6 Mistakes That Businesses Make With Their Shop Fronts In New Zealand


In the hectic universe of retail, the power of a first impression cannot be underestimated, and the cornerstone of this impression is the shop front. However, a worrying number of small businesses and retailers in New Zealand tend to underestimate this pivotal element, often leading to squandered opportunities and revenue losses. In this article, we will throw light on six common blunders committed by businesses with their shop fronts and furnish practical solutions to convert these snags into lucrative magnets.

1. Disregarding Maintenance

A shabby or poorly managed shop front can deflect potential clients even before they cross the threshold. Flaking paint, shattered signs, and grubby windows create an aura of neglect, tarnishing your brand’s image. It’s crucial to ensure a regular upkeep schedule, including cleaning, repainting, and fixing, to keep your shop front welcoming and exude a professional appeal.


 Organize regular maintenance schedules. Investing in robust electronic signage by Icon Signs that can withstand New Zealand’s diverse climates is also worth considering.

2. Overlooking Local Influences

New Zealand is a country rich in unique cultural identity. Ensuring your shop front mirrors this identity is essential. Ignoring local preferences and trends can render your business detached from the community. Incorporating elements resonating with the local consumers, for instance, Maori art or Kiwi symbolism, can foster a sense of connection and belonging.


The key is to penetrate the cultural subtleties and predilections of your target audience either through comprehensive market research or engaging with local designers.

3. Inadequate Lighting

Lighting is pivotal in attracting attention and setting a welcoming ambiance. A poorly lit shop front can seem forbidding and eclipse crucial details about your offerings. Strategic lighting can illuminate your products and make your shop stand out, especially during evening hours.


Investing in eco-friendly lighting solutions that amplify visibility while promoting environmental sustainability is paramount. Opt for LED lights considering their long shelf-life and brightness.

4. Neglecting Signage

Your signage often grabs the first glance of potential clients. However, cluttered, outdated, or complex signs can perplex or discourage them. Coherent and well-designed signage that encapsulates your brand’s identity and provides crucial information can significantly influence footfall.


Leverage the expertise of a professional designer to create appealing and harmonious signage that resonates with your brand. Don’t forget to refresh your signs regularly to stay relevant and alluring.

5. Ignoring Accessibility

In the current era’s increasing cognizance of inclusivity, having an inaccessible shop front can estrange a significant fraction of potential clients. Hindrances like steps without ramps, narrow entrances, or unclear pathways can deter those with disabilities or those with prams from frequenting your store.


Ensure universal accessibility by incorporating ramps, widened doorways, and clear signage highlighting accessibility features.

6. Underutilizing Windows

Windows presents a prime opportunity to showcase what your business brings to the table, yet many shops overlook this crucial advertising space. Dirty, cluttered, or vacant windows fail to captivate interest and can make your shop seem unattractive.


Frequently update your window displays to mirror current promotions, new additions, or seasonal trends. Keep them pristine and decluttered to effectively entice passersby.

A well-maintained and ingeniously crafted shop front is not just an aesthetic utility, it morphs into a potent tool for escalating brand image and customer allure. By paying heed to maintenance, local tastes, lighting, signage, accessibility, and window displays, New Zealand businesses can erect alluring spaces that attract footfall while contributing to a lively, sustainable urban tapestry.