Best strategies to follow in Clash Royale


Clash Royale demands strategic thinking. Building a strong Clash Royale deck, understanding card synergies, and mastering timing are vital. This guide outlines effective strategies to elevate your gameplay.

Clash Royale Deck Building

A well-rounded deck balances offense and defense. Include tanks, damage dealers, area damage spells, and buildings in your deck. Consider card synergies. For example, pair a tank with a high-damage troop. Experiment with different combinations to find what suits your playstyle. Legendary cards offer power but aren’t essential. Focus on mastering common and rare cards first. Also, make sure to save your Clash Royale gems for important items. 

Elixir Management

Elixir Clash Royale is your lifeblood. Spend it wisely. Prioritize defensive plays to protect your towers. Save elixir for counterattacks. Don’t overcommit elixir on a single push. Learn to predict opponent moves. Anticipate their plays to maximize your elixir efficiency.

Defensive Strategies

Protect your towers at all costs. Use buildings to soak damage and buy time. Prioritize eliminating threats closest to your towers. Don’t overcommit troops defensively. Save some elixir Clash Royale for counterattacks. Learn to bait enemy pushes. Lure them into overspending elixir Clash Royale, then counter with a strong push. With these tactics, the stats of your Clash Royale account will not go down. 

Offensive Strategies

Focus on one lane at a time. Overwhelming a single lane often breaks through defenses. Coordinate troop movements. Support tanks with damaged dealers. Use spells to clear obstacles and support your push. Don’t neglect your king tower. Use it to chip away at the opponent’s towers. 

Don’t try to be over-smart. Make sure to make aggressive moves only after you have gained significant experience. Your early weeks should be spent only exploring what strategies work and what does not. 

Timing and Prediction

Timing is crucial. Anticipate enemy moves. Predict their card placements. Use this information to your advantage. Learn to cycle through your Clash Royale deck efficiently. Maximize card availability and no one will be able to stop you. 

Tower Prioritization

Prioritize the king tower. Destroying it deals massive damage. Focus on the closest tower to your king tower. This prevents a direct threat. If both towers are equally threatened, defend the tower with the lowest health. This will prevent you from getting in a tight spot. 

Countering Common Clash Royale Decks

Understand popular Clash Royale deck archetypes. Learn how to counter specific cards. For example, use air defenses against balloon-based decks. Adapt your strategy based on your opponent’s Clash Royale deck. Be flexible and ready to adjust your approach.

Practice and Improvement

Consistent play improves your skills. Analyze your replays. Identify mistakes and areas for improvement. Watch professional players. Learn from their strategies and techniques. Join a clan.

Keep in mind that you will not become a great player overnight. Success takes time and the same can be said for Clash Royale. You will need to invest time daily in the game before you can start making serious progress. Learn from your mistakes. Don’t repeat them. Also, ask for help from other players. Join communities and engage in discussions there. Never be afraid to be the weakest player in the room.